Saturday, August 3, 2024

Working From Home

For the past 46 months, I have worked from home. Now I know many people who believe this is the ideal job - never having to leave the house of a morning, not needing to get all dolled up to go to work, not needing special clothes for work, and so on and so forth. Yes, it is all that, but there is something more or should I say less, when working from home.

One is basically an island when working from home. There is no face time with another human being. As a customer service agent, I do get to interact with many people, mostly unhappy people, to resolve their issues in an efficient and courteous manner. My mind is always racing ahead to what I can do next to resolve the issue of the person on the other end of the phone line. 

Oftentimes, I succeed in being just the right person they needed to talk to. They might be having a difficult time and they just need kindness or a reassurance that all will be okay. I know that part is outside my job's realm, but I offer it anyway, hoping that their day will get better.

I must say, that this job isn't for everyone. One needs to be disciplined and a hard worker to last, tolerant for people who aren't kind, who believe one is subservient to them. And the long hours of sitting also make one want to keep over some days.  This just isn't the job for everyone.

I was at the right place at the right time when I took this job and it was a lifesaver. COVID had hit and everyone was in the avoidance mode - keeping away from socialization and groups of people. 

However, working from home is the right thing for me. I have a dog 10 year-old Giant Schnauzer who has suffered for over 6 years with autoimmune disease called Immune Mediated Poly Arthritis. She requires meds 3 time a day. I am home to provide those meds as required now that I work from home.  When I was working away from home, she was not as well as she is right now. I am truly blessed because of this job. 

If you think you might like working from home, reach out to others you know who are doing it. Also there are leads in LinkedIn and other jobsites. Be prepared to be disciplined because it does require a lot of discipline on one's part. But I do wish you great success when a job does land in your lap.  Go now and search! Start with and goodluck!

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